ruh is a method to make city your own by rediscovering and reconnecting with the urban

ruh is making sense of one's place in the city and the city's place in one's life via scales, maps, relationships, connections and random happenings

ruh is not just a game, but also system for interacting with your environment that you can use daily to learn about yourself and your surroundings

ruh is making movement, different ways to move around the city and interact or not interact with it, physically or in your imagination

ruh is an opportunity to become aware of the connection between yourself and the city

Point A: a person alienated by the city and its context

ruh is a way to remove alienation and to create connctions to space around you

All those definitions were made by test Game of Ruh participants and contributors. Game of Ruh is one of primary means of exploring ruh method and developing it with the help of the community, all located in different cities and interested in rediscovering spaces around them.

Point Liminal: developing a new way of interacting with the city

Point B: a person connected to its environment and enjoying spaces

game of ruh takes different forms, yet the first one had 7 days, 7 cities and worked all via messenger & channel

You may also join the mailing list specifically for Ruh project, I will know you are interested.

Some of the project news are avaliable on a telegram channel and on my Instagram page.