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Outwrite (anything)

Rediscover the joy of manual writing and creativity

Our Story

As of 2024, many people feel that smartphones, computers, and digital apps are draining their time, focus, and enjoyment. Outwrite aims to change that by creating a physical operating system based on handwriting and manual writing methods to help people balance out the digital and physical in daily life and in creative work. Outwrite is designed to empower creatives at first — designers, copywriters, filmmakers, bloggers, and others — to spend less time on screens and more time engaging with the real world. We reintroduce tactile, analog methods that foster creativity, curiosity, and a more enjoyable life, to develop those methods further and to apply them to various areas of work and life. We build practical solutions that encourage a healthier relationship with technology. Our goal is to inspire a shift from endless screen time to a more hands-on and curious approach, allowing people to reconnect with the physical world in a fun and creative way.

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Get in Touch

Contact us and we'll respond promptly

+1 123-4567890

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blue and white round illustration
blue and white round illustration
blue and white round illustration